About Us

Without any hidden agenda, the purpose of this website is to further the distribution of the monthly Faith Prescription newsletter. The newsletter, easy to read, is based on the living Word of God in the Bible. The Faith Prescription is to serve as a medicine for the soul by bringing out the right word; directly from the Scripture; in direct contact of need; when Word is mixed with faith. LORD, have mercy.

“Faith Prescription is the Lord’s doing.”

Actually it is not really about us, it is about God’s doing. Psalm127:1 says unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.

We are all instruments in His hands that are in need of Him for our attainment. God can choose to look somewhere else for whom to be used if we fail to be used.

The Faith Prescription is the Lord’s doing. When the first publication started years ago, it was only about going around apartment complexes early in the morning hours; hanging letters on doors before neighbors departed for their daily jobs. It was intended to minister the Word in a short written format, not to exceed one page, and having no name.

It did not take long before the publication ceased to operate. In 2004, under the Lord’s will, the vision of sharing the Word was revived and publication took a new dimension. God provided for a revived publication that is published once a month in one page format. With readers across the world via email and postal mail, He also made a way for distribution of Faith Prescription publication in some parts of Europe and in the North, West, South, and Eastern part of the United States of America. As God will have it, the idea of a website came to life, to further the outreach of the Word in different places around the world.